Friday, 27 July 2018

Red Riding Hood

This term our inquiry topic is FAIRY TALES !

This week we studied about the story, Red Riding Hood. 
Did you know that the little girl is called Red Riding Hood because she likes to wear her red cloak with a hood?

Look at us with our red hoods on!

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Skipping 2018!

Finally, the time has come for 2018 Skipping! 

We are going to practice awesome skipping techniques everyday to perform at our Ruapotaka School Skip-off!

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Our school's first Powhiri

Today our school gathered together to end our term with a powhiri. 

We showed our respect for the Maori culture by staying silent and paying attention to the speeches made by the teachers and students. We also took part in our school karakia and waiata. 

Although we were unable to visit the marae, it was an amazing experience as we have only heard about it whilst studying Maori culture this term.

Monday, 2 July 2018

ASB Getwise lesson

How do you save your money?
What do you spend it on?

Today a special speaker from ASB came to teach us about how to save and spend our money wisely. 

We learnt all the New Zealand currency and to...
"Spend some, save some, and share some too!"